9 Reasons Why Singaporean Businesses Should Invest in Vietnam Now

April 2018 celebrated 45 years of diplomatic ties between Singapore and Vietnam. With air travel distance only 1.5 hours away and the new establishment of six diplomatic agreements, foreign investors continue to benefit from the robust bilateral ties between the two member countries. Evidently, Vietnam remains the first stop for Singaporean firms to invest in … Continued

Singapore’s MRA Grant for SMEs: Case Studies from Milieu and CargoSavvy

Empowering Small Businesses to Conquer New Frontiers In today’s globally interconnected landscape, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are vital drivers of economic growth and innovation. Recognizing their importance in Singapore’s business ecosystem, the Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant has become a crucial tool for empowering SMEs to expand into international markets. The maximum support package, … Continued

What’s Cultural Sensitivity Training & How Can It Help Companies In Vietnam?

In this conversation, we spoke to Thijs van Loon, CEO and founder of Betterworks Asia. With the aim of providing training and coaching programs for professionals in the workplace, Thijs leverages twenty years of experience to take you and your company to new heights. Given that there’s so much to unpack in the field, we … Continued

China +1 Strategy in Vietnam: An Overview for Chinese Investors

In recent decades, China has been considered the manufacturing hub of the world, attracting countless businesses seeking cost-effective production and access to a vast consumer market. China accounted for a significant portion of global manufacturing output, producing around 28.7% of the world’s total manufacturing value-added in 2019. The China +1 strategy boosts manufacturing resilience and … Continued

Foreign Investment Restrictions in Vietnam

When you decide to engage in the Vietnamese market as a foreigner, you must first research the viability of the industry you are interested in. Start by checking whether the business field is allowed by Vietnamese law or is subject to limitations, such as Vietnamese business regulations affecting international investors. Because Vietnam is still a … Continued

The Definitive Guide to Vietnam’s 16 Active Free Trade Agreements (Updated August 2023)

Vietnam has embraced economic liberalization with great enthusiasm and invested in human and physical capital, both through public investments as well as opening up the economy to foreign investments. Moreover, the country effectively complemented global liberalization with domestic reforms through ease of doing business and deregulation. Vietnam has signed significant free trade agreements in the … Continued

A Look into Business Opportunities in E-commerce Logistics in Vietnam

Vietnam’s e-commerce landscape is witnessing remarkable growth. According to Google, it’s the second-fastest-growing e-commerce market in the world, trailing only behind Indonesia. The country’s e-commerce market is poised to reach a substantial US$15 billion by 2025, driven by increasing internet penetration, digital adoption, and changing consumer behavior. This surge in demand has led to a … Continued

Top 10 Challenges of Doing Business in Vietnam: Notes and Advice for Foreign Investors

Vietnam, an Asian high-growth market, offers promising business opportunities as well as challenges for Chinese businesses, as compared to China itself. Emerging as a highly attractive investment destination, it continues to capture the attention of companies seeking international expansion. Stability in the country’s politics, favorable economic policies, and supportive administrative interventions contribute to its allure … Continued

Everything You Need To Know about Company Incorporation in Vietnam

Vietnam has turned into a utopia for foreign investors, thanks to the government’s extensive assistance and trade agreements, the growing middle-income groups, and evolving consumer attitudes. The country’s promising economic opportunities act as a catalyst for company incorporation of foreign investors in the country. This small Southeast Asian country is one of the few that … Continued

Doing Business in Vietnam as a Foreign Investor: What, Where, Why, How?

The Vietnamese economy has burgeoned into one of the world’s strongest economies thanks to its stable political and influential macroeconomic environment. Since the late 1980s, its Doi Moi reform policy has employed a range of measures to foster its attractiveness to foreign investment and develop a resilient economy. Hence, doing business in Vietnam is a … Continued

FDI in Vietnam’s September 2023: Economic Expansion Highlights

In Vietnam’s dynamic economy, September 2023 marked a period of remarkable growth and development. The economic expansion is highlighted by pivotal events and investments that shaped this economic landscape, including infrastructure projects, foreign investments, renewable energy initiatives, and technological advancements, highlighting ongoing progress on the global economic stage with FDI in Vietnam. Investing in Vietnam? … Continued

Why Vietnam is Becoming One of 2023’s Investment Hotspots

By 2030, Vietnam is expected to achieve significant economic milestones within Southeast Asia, as predicted by the World Bank. In order to promote lower tariffs and reduce trade barriers, it has already signed a number of free trade agreements (FTAs). Moreover, the rise of the fintech industry and the booming e-commerce sector ensures that the … Continued